older games one can run into the next situation. The hero jumps along the
platforms that hang in the air. He must move himself from one side of the
screen to the other. When the hero jumps from one platform to the neighboring,
he spends |y2 – y1|2 energy, where
y1 and y2 are the heights where
these platforms hang. The hero can make a super jump that allows him to skip
one platform, but it takes him 3 * |y3
– y1|2 energy.
are given the heights of the platforms in order from the left side to the
right. Find the minimum amount of energy to get from the 1-st (start) platform
to the n-th (last).
Input. The first
line contains the number of platforms n
(2 ≤ n ≤ 105).
The second line gives n integers –
the heights of the platforms. Their absolute values are not grater than 4000 by
absolute value.
Print one integer – the minimum amount of energy.
input |
output |
4 1 2 3 30 |
731 |
dynamic programming
Algorithm analysis
With given energy functions sometimes it is optimal
for the hero to make one move backwards. Consider the following example.
Suppose we have 4 platforms with heights of 1, 10, 2, 11. We calculate the
energy that hero should spent to reach the last platform in different ways.
As we can see, the
optimal way is to jump from 1-st platform to the 3-rd using super jump, then
return to the 2-nd and using super jump once more, to appear on the last, 4-th
platform. The total spent energy equals to 3 + 64 + 3 = 70.
dp[i] be the minimal amount of energy
enough to get from the 1-st platform to the i-th.
Let dp[1] = 0, because initially we are on the first platform. We can get to
the second platform either from the first only (if n = 2), or in two ways:
from 1-st to the 2-nd using |y2 – y1|2 energy;
from 1-st to the 3-rd and then to
the 2-nd spending 3 * |y3
– y1|2 + |y2 – y3|2 energy;
if n > 2 then dp[2] = min(|y2 – y1|2, 3 * |y3 – y1|2
+ |y2 – y3|2).
Now consider the
calculation of dp[i]. One can get into i-th platform either from (i – 1)-th or from (i – 2)-th using super jump. But when i < n, one can get
into the i-th platform from the (i + 1)-th, where we jumped from the (i – 1)-th. So dp[i] equals to minimum among the values:
dp[i – 1] + |yi –
: normal jump from the (i – 1)-th
dp[i – 2] + 3 * |yi
– yi-2|2
: super jump from the (i – 2)-th
dp[i – 1] + 3 * |yi+1
– yi-1|2
+ |yi – yi+1|2
: one jumps from the (i – 1)-th to (i + 1)-th, and then to i-th platform. This movement possible
only if i < n.
Algorithm realization
heights of platforms are stored in array à. In array dp we keep the optimal
#define MAX
long long a[MAX], dp[MAX];
the function sq that computes the square of a number.
long long sq(long long a)
return a * a;
the input data.
scanf("%d", &n);
for(i =
1; i <= n; i++)
Initialize the values dp[1] and dp[2].
= 0;
if (n == 2)
dp[2] = sq(a[2] - a[1]);
dp[2] = min(sq(a[1] - a[2]), 3 * sq(a[1] - a[3]) + sq(a[2] - a[3]));
Compute the values dp[i] for i ≥ 3.
for(int i = 3; i <= n; i++)
dp[i] = min(dp[i - 1] + sq(a[i - 1] - a[i]), dp[i
- 2] + 3 * sq(a[i - 2] - a[i]));
if (i < n)
dp[i] = min(dp[i], dp[i - 1] + 3 * sq(a[i - 1] - a[i + 1]) + sq(a[i] - a[i +
Print the answer.
printf("%lld\n", dp[n]);